Thursday, July 30, 2009

P90 X

Sharon and I just completed day 4 of the P90 X program (Yoga X). I found sore spots and weak spots in my back. A guy sure finds out how weak he is after starting this program. I've also noticed that after just 3 days I'm already getting stronger and more flexible because I'm able to do more of the exercises and my form is better.

I thought yoga was going to be easy. I thought it was just stretching and bending. Was I wrong. I probably sweated more today than I did on the previous 3 days of exercising. Some of the exercises were too hard for me, I could only do a couple of reps. The AB exercises were killer. I kept breaking out of form because my stomach was on fire. I'd do a few, stop, and do a few more. I know I'll get better as time progresses.

The balancing exercises were hard, too. I could get my leg up, but I couldn't get it as high as the guys on the DVD. I know that will come, also.

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