Thursday, July 30, 2009

Vic and Harold

Sharon and I drove Vic to Kalispell on Wednesday, July 29th, to see how his cancer treatment had worked. Vic was diagnosed with cancer in February and he underwent several treatments at the Rock in Kalispell. His treatment involved filling the bladder with some form of substance and rotating his entire body to ensure the substance covered all areas of his bladder. The substance must have been very toxic, because he had to be very, very careful when he used the restroom. The results of his treatment were positive. The doctor told him there were 3 red spots in his bladder and they will continue to monitor them (we didn't confirm what the 3 red spots meant). Vic's next appointment will be in 3 months, if all goes well at that appointment he will be rescheduled for a 6 month appointment. We're all crossing our fingers.

I drove Harold to his last radiation appointment on Monday, July 27th. It was his 20th and final treatment. He finished the treatment without fan fare or special celebration. He did get a recognition award from his doctor and that made him feel good. Now, he has to wait for 3 weeks before he knows how the treatment worked. He goes back on September 18th to learn the prognosis. I gave him a handshake and congratulated him for completing all 20 treatments. Harold feels better, physically and mentally. He said he's ready to get back to work.

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